Fight For The Fallen

AEW Fight For The Fallen Results: The Brotherhood vs. Young Bucks, Omega vs. CIMA, Jericho & Hangman Brawl

SoCal Uncensored (with Christopher Daniels) vs. Lucha Brothers

Before the match, Scorpio Sky grabs a microphone and calls Jacksonville the worst town he’s ever been in Daniels. Daniels says Jacksonville has a special place in their hearts, which is why they’re representing the Jaguars. Frankie Kazarian leads the crowd in an “SCU” chant.

Fénix and Kazarian start the match. Both men kip up after an exchange of technical holds. Sky and Pentagón Jr. tag in. A superkick drops Sky and the Lucha Bros double-team Kazarian with some kicks. They kick Daniels, too. Pentagón Jr. gives him a stiff chop and Sky gets one from Fénix. Daniels hits an Arabian moonsault onto the Lucha Bros and the referee lets it go, though she ejects him from the match. Kazarian dives onto the Lucha Bros on the ramp.

A springboard legdrop gets Kazarian a near fall on Fénix. Kazarian eats a stiff superkick and both men tag their partners. Pentagón hits slingblades on both his opponents. The Lucha Bros hit strikes on Kazarian and hang Sky in front of Kazarian. Pentagon hits a monkey flip senton bomb onto both men and a diving foot stomp on Sky gets a near fall.

Kazarian plants Fénix with a German suplex and SCU hits Pentagón with a diving stomp. Sky helps Kazarian hit a DDT on Fénix off the top for a near fall. Fénix stomps on Kazarian and Pentagón nearly gets the win with a Canadian Destroyer. Pentagón gets the win after a diving stomp-package piledriver combination.

Winners: the Lucha Brothers 

After the match, the Lucha Bros hit Daniels and Kazarian with a ladder. Pentagón grabs a microphone and leads the crowd in a chant. The Lucha Brothers climb on the ladder and Pentagón calls them the best tag team in the world. Fénix challenges the Young Bucks to a ladder match at All Out.

Kenny Omega vs. Cima

Both men lock up and exchange holds. Cima hits Omega with a standing stomp. Omega hits some stiff chops but Cima locks in a submission after Omega takes him down with a hurricanrana. A senton over the ropes gives Cima more momentum but Omega plants him with a back suplex. Cima hits a stiff strike but Omega drops him with a hurricanrana again. Omega hits a tornado DDT but Cima plants him with a Perfect Driver for a near fall. A stiff kick to the head drops Cima and Omega hits a running knee strike. Cima counters Omega and hits a powerbomb off the top.

Omega dodges a diving knee strike and targets the knee with a stomp. Cima blocks a moonsault but Omega drops him with a snap dragon suplex. Cima hits a backstabber but Omega slams him knee-first onto the apron. A snap suplex plants Omega right on his back. Cima dives off the stage and hits a Meteora. Another one to the back of the head and a third to the front get Cima a near fall. Omega counters another one into a buckle bomb and hits a snap dragon suplex. He hits a Perfect Driver over his knee but Cima plants him with a DDT. Two stiff knees rock Cima but another Meteora gives Cima the momentum. Cima slams Omega on the apron and yet another Meteora neatly gets Cima the win. Both men slap each other and exchange stiff strikes. After a hard knee, a Tiger Driver ’98 nearly gets Omega the win. The Nuclear Option earns Omega the three count.

Winner: Kenny Omega