Fight For The Fallen

AEW Fight For The Fallen Results: The Brotherhood vs. Young Bucks, Omega vs. CIMA, Jericho & Hangman Brawl

Brandi Rhodes vs. Allie

The two women shake hands before the match but Awesome Kong comes to the ring. Allie takes Rhodes down and drops her with a Russian legsweep. Allie stares at Kong and hits a diving crossbody on Rhodes. Kong and Allie stare each other down and Rhodes hits a baseball slide dropkick. Rhodes gets some water and pours it on Allie. Rhodes stomps Allie in the corner but Allie hits her with some chops.

Rhodes nails a kick to the jaw for a near fall. Kong grabs Allie’s leg and Brandi takes her opponent to the mat for a near fall. Allie hits a neckbreaker and both women are down. The two competitors exchange strikes and Allie seizes control of the march. Allie plants Rhodes with a running bulldog for a near fall. Rhodes hits a snap suplex for another near fall. A stiff superkick rocks Rhodes and a Death Valley Driver drops Rhodes but Kong prevents the pin. Allie stares at Kong again and locks Rhodes in a Dragon Sleeper. Rhodes taps but Kong distracts the referee. Allie stares at Kong again but Rhodes rakes her in the eyes and hits a Bionic spear for the win.

Winner: Brandi Rhodes

Rhodes hugs Kong after the match. Rhodes stomps on Allie after the match and talks some trash. Kong is about to attack Allie but Aja Kong comes to the ring. The two Kongs stare each other down and referees break up the confrontation. Aja helps Allie to the back.

The Dark Order vs. Angélico and Jack Evans vs. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus (with Marko Stunt)

Evans and Stu Grayson start the match. Angélico quickly tags in but Grayson slams him to the mat. Evil Uno enters the match and bites Angélico, who kicks him in the face. Jungle Boy tags in and hits Uno with an arm drag and a hurricanrana. Uno gouges his eyes and nails him with a neckbreaker. Luchasaurus tags in and  Evans has the misfortune of facing the big man. Luchasaurus throws him across the ring and Jungle Boy hits a slingshot dropkick. Grayson and Uno try to gang up on him but he breaks free. Uno slams Jungle Boy on the apron and Grayson hits a senton on him.

The Dark Order stomps away on Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy drops Grayson with a kick to the head but Uno prevents him from tagging out. Uno nails a Swanton Bomb for a near fall. Jungle Boy hits him with a spear and tags in Luchasaurus, who nails the Dark Order with kicks. The big man throws Evans out of the ring and Jungle Boy dives onto Evans and Angélico. Evans and Angélico gang up on Jungle Boy but Uno breaks up a submission hold. Jungle Boy barely kicks out after an assisted 450 splash. Marko Stunt takes Evans down with a hurricanrana off the top (and the referee lets it go.) Luchasaurus throws Stunt onto Angélico and double-teams Evans with Jungle Boy for a near fall. Grayson nearly pins Jungle Boy and the Dark Order hits him with the Fatality for the win.

Winners: the Dark Order

A video package recaps Adam Page’s career so far.

Kip Sabian vs. “Hangman” Adam Page

Both men exchange technical holds. Sabian kips up after a shoulder block. The competitors exchange chops and strikes. Page hits a fallaway slam and clotheslines Sabian out of the ring. Sabian hits a springboard kick but Page drops him with a stiff elbow. Sabian dives onto Page outside the ring and gets a near fall after a diving kick. A running kick and a knee strike get Sabian a near fall. A diving foot stomp nearly gets Sabian the win but Page kicks out. Page plants Sabian on his head with a suplex. Page nails a running shooting star press for a near fall.

Sabian rocks Page with a tornado DDT for a two count. A stiff kick only gets Sabian a one count and another one earns him a near fall. Page hits some hard strikes and turns Sabian inside out with a clothesline. Page slams Sabian on the apron and hits a moonsault off the top rope but lands badly on his injured knee. A running powerbomb on the ramp plants Sabian on his back. A swinging neckbreaker off the top almost gets Page the win but Sabian kicks out. Sabian hits a dragon screw in the ropes on Page’s injured knee. Both men exchange pin attempts and Page gets the win with a Deadeye.

Winner: “Hangman” Adam Page

After the match, one of the Dark Order’s Creepers attacks Page and hits him with a Codebreaker. The Creeper unmasks and Chris Jericho is the man under the mask. Page is bleeding and Jericho rocks him with a Judas Effect. Jericho flips off the crowd.