WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (6/25/19)

Backstage, Aleister Black goes nuts because no one will take his challenge.

2-Out-of-3 Falls Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

Ziggler puts Kingston in a headlock. Kingston escapes. Ziggler and Kingston trade pin attempts. Ziggler rolls up Kingston with his hand on the rope. The referee refuses to count. Kingston rolls up Ziggler and gets the three count.

Ziggler-0 Kingston-1

Ziggler attacks Kingston. Ziggler ZigZags Kingston out on the floor. Ziggler superkicks Kingston for the second fall.

Ziggler-1 Kingston-1

Ziggler drops the elbow for another near fall. Kingston and Ziggler trade strikes. Kingston turns Ziggler’s neck breaker attempt into a backslide. Ziggler kicks out. Ziggler slingshot Kingston into the corner. Kingston lands on the second rope and immediately hits a crossbody. Ziggler kicks out. DDT by Ziggler for a two count. Springboard chop by Kingston. Kingston turns Ziggler’s fameasser into a spinning powerbomb. Ziggler kicks out yet again! Ziggler hits the ZigZag but Kingston kicks out. Ziggler misses the superkick. Kingston misses the TnP. Ziggler tries another superkick but Kingston catches Ziggler’s foot. Kingston blasts Ziggler with the TnP for the win!

Winner- Kofi Kingston

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