WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (6/8/19)

Miz, Ricochet and Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Lashley, Cesaro and Samoa Joe

Lashley and Strowman start the match. Strowman gains the upper hand and double-teams Lashley with the Miz. Miz gets clotheslined by Joe, which allows Lashley to seize control. Joe punches Miz in the corner and tags in Cesaro, who grounds Miz with a chinlock. Miz escapes and tags in Ricochet, who fights off all three opponents with strikes and high-flying offense. He hits a hurricanrana and dives onto Cesaro outside the ring. Cesaro grounds Ricochet but he gets planted with a Frankensteiner. Lashley tags in and drives Ricochet into the barricade. Ricochet kicks Lashley into the corner and tags in Miz. He hits Lashley with double knee strikes in the corner and the corner clothesline.

Lashley gets dropped with a DDT and Cesaro does, too. Miz kicks Lashley and Cesaro but Lashley drives him face-first into the mat. Joe tags in and knocks Strowman off the apron. He hits Miz with a senton but Strowman breaks up the pin. Cesaro tags in and Lashley distracts Strowman from tagging in. Cesaro swings Miz for a solid minute and locks him into a Sharpshooter. Ricochet hits a Codebreaker to free Miz. Strowman tags in and squashes Cesaro in the corner. He steamrolls over Cesaro outside the ring and splashes him in the corner again. Joe breaks up the pin and nearly gets slammed. Joe grabs his title and runs away. Strowman chases after Joe until Lashley spears him. Ricochet dives onto Lashley and Miz plants Cesaro with the Skull Crushing Finale. Ricochet hits the 630 splash for the win.

Winner: Ricochet, Braun Strowman and the Miz

Backstage, Baron Corbin says he doesn’t know who he’ll choose as the special referee for his match at Stomping Grounds. He wants someone who will a fair official. Sami Zayn asks to talk to Corbin in private.

A video package recaps Mansoor’s victory at Super ShowDown.

Becky Lynch and Bayley vs. Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss (with Nikki Cross)

Bliss starts the match with Bayley. The champion drives Bliss into the corner and stomps away at her. Bliss takes Bayley to the mat with an arm drag. Evans tags in and hits a slingshot elbow drop. Lynch tags and punches Evans. Bliss and Evans gang up on Lynch but the RAW Women’s Champion fights back. Bayley takes Evans down with a dropkick and Lynch nails a dive that takes down Bliss. Evans stops Lynch from tagging in Bayley and punches the champion when she’s down. Evans traps Lynch in a chinlock and nails the champ with a Broncobuster. Lynch hits Evans with a dropkick and sends Bliss out of the ring. Evans plants Lynch with neckbreaker. The challenger misses a moonsault. Lynch and Evans tag their partners and Bayley sends Bliss crashing into the corner.

Evans drops Lynch with a Woman’s Right. She hits Bayley with one, too. Bliss misses a splash but Evans pins Bayley after a Woman’s Right.

Winner: Alexa Bliss and Lacey Evans

Backstage, Sami Zayn talks to Shane McMahon. Zayn asks if he can be referee the match between Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins tonight. Shane says Zayn should be an outside referee for the match so he can call things right down the middle.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!