WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (5/13/19)

Rey Mysterio vs. Cesaro

Mysterio lands a spinning head scissors. Cesaro catches Mysterio with a spinning backbreaker. Mysterio ends up on Cesaro’s shoulders. Mysterio takes Cesaro out of the ring. Cesaro lands on his feet and still has Mysterio on his shoulders. Mysterio sends Cesaro into the barricade. Mysterio slides under the bottom rope and tries a sunset flip. Cesaro rolls through and Cesaro swings Mysterio into the barricade twice. Cesaro deadlift delay superplexes Mysterio. Mysterio gets a near fall.

Cesaro sets up the swing but Mysterio reverses it into a DDT. Seated senton by Mysterio. Mysterio rolls up Cesaro for a near fall. Mysterio tries the 619 but Cesaro counters it in the swing. Cesaro tries his own version of the 619 but Mysterio moves and hits a sunset flip bomb. Cesaro kicks out. Mysterio dives off the top right into a nasty European uppercut. After another series of counters, Mysterio finally hits the 619. Mysterio lands the frog splash for the win.

Winner- Rey Mysterio

Backstage, the Revival challenge the Usos.

Firefly Funhouse: 

Wyatt tells his friends that he has a secret. It’s almost time for him to show the world what he has been working on. Wyatt is going to need the help of his Fireflies this time. Wyatt still has a lot of darkness in him but he has learned how to control it. The screen goes all wonky and Bray is wearing a scary mask.

Backstage, Seth Rollins says he doesn’t care what Styles said earlier tonight. Rollins looked up to Styles. The match Sunday is going to be about proving himself. When the dust settles this Sunday it’s going to be Styles who is looking up to him.

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