WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/29/19)

Universal Championship Contract Signing

AJ Styles says the reason he is on Raw is to win the Universal Championship. Styles says he likes Seth Rollins but Rollins has something Styles wants. Styles says it has been said that Rollins would be the next AJ Styles. Styles has a hard truth for Rollins. Rollins will never be AJ Styles. Rollins says he respects Styles but Rollins never wanted to be the next Styles. Rollins wanted to be the first Seth Freaking Rollins. Styles asks Rollins how he is holding up. Rollins has been burning the candle at both ends trying to be a fighting champion. Styles reminds Rollins that his “little team” isn’t here to protect him. Rollins says he was at his best when he beat Brock Lesnar and he will be at his best when he beats Styles. Styles picks up the Universal Championship and slowly hands it to Rollins. Styles tries to shake Rollins’ hand. Rollins raises the belt in Styles face. Styles punches Rollins. Rollins fires up and boots Styles out of the ring. Suicide dive by Rollins. Styles catches Rollins with a right hand. Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm that sends Rollins through a table.

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