WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/8/19)

In Ring Segment: Baron Corbin

Corbin gloats about beating Angle at WrestleMania. Corbin says he deserves a gold medal of his own. Kurt Angle interrupts. Angle tells Corbin that he was the better man last night. Angle says he wishes Corbin all the luck in the world. Angle and Corbin shake hands. Angle says “bad luck” and hits the Angle Slam. Angle puts Corbin in the Ankle Lock. Lars Sullivan power walks to the ring and drops Angle with the Freak Accident. Sullivan hits a diving headbutt.

Alexa Bliss vs Bayley

Bliss mocks Bayley. Bayley attacks Bliss. Bayley tries to set up the second rope stunner but Bliss slips out and blasts Bayley with a stiff elbow shot. Bliss puts Bayley in a rear chin lock. Bayley fights out of it. Bliss clotheslines Bayley. Bliss slaps the hell out of Bayley. Bayley rolls Bliss into a pin but she has her hand on the ropes. The referee refuses to count. Bayley sunset flip powerbombs Bliss into the turnbuckle. Bliss kicks out. Bliss kicks Bayley to the outside. Bliss surprises Bayley with a DDT for the win.

Winner- Alexa Bliss

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