WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (4/1/19)

Baron Corbin vs Rey Mysterio

Mysterio sends Corbin to the outside. Dropkicks by Mysterio. Mysterio hurricanranas Corbin over the top rope. Mysterio sets up a dive but Corbin catches Mysterio with an uppercut. After the break, Corbin tries to rip off Mysterio’s mask. Mysterio backflips over Corbin. Mysterio’s knee gives out. Corbin stomps on Mysterio’s injured knee. Corbin sends Mysterio into the barricade.

Mysterio tries to fire up but Corbin blasts him with a nasty clothesline out on the floor. Corbin sends Mysterio face first into the ring post. Corbin misses a splash in the corner. Springboard ranna but Mysterio. Mysterio whips Corbin down to the mat with spinning head scissors. Corbin kicks out. Mysterio lands the 619. Mysterio misses the frog splash. Mysterio escapes Corbin’s powerbomb attempt. Mysterio hits the ropes and runs right into the deep six. Corbin gets the pinfall.

Winner- Baron Corbin

After the match, Corbin celebrates on the stage. Angle appears behind Corbin. Angle puts Corbin in the Ankle Lock. Corbin taps out.

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