MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup Semi-Final Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. SANADA
They lock up. SANADA gets Tanahashi on the ropes. They break.
They lock up. Tanahashi and SANADA trade waistlocks. They continue to trade holds, to an almost stalemate. Tanahashi grounds SANADA and locks in a tight headscissors. SANADA counters with a toehold. Tanahashi counters with a side headlock. SANADA breaks the hold. Both men attempt a dropkick at the same time. They square up.
SANADA blocks a gut kick. SANADA attempts Paradise Lock. Tanahashi rolls up SANADA for two. Tanahashi locks in a leg lock. Tanahashi continues his assault on the knee. SANADA fights out of the hold. Tanahashi counters and continues to twist the injured knee. SANADA chops away at Tanahashi’s chest. Tanahashi locks in a Prison Lock. SANADA fights to the ropes.
Tanahashi kicks at SANADA’s knee. SANADA hits a dropkick. Tanahashi slides out of the ring. SANADA hits a Pescado.
SANADA rolls Tanahashi back in the ring. Tanahashi hits a rope-hung Dragon Screw. Tanahashi bodyslams SANADA. Tanahashi hits a Second Rope Somersault Senton. Tanahashi covers for two.
SANADA dodges Slingblade. SANADA hits a low dropkick. Tanahashi hits Dragon Screw. SANADA hits Dragon Screw. Tanahashi dodges a Springboard Dropkick. Tanahashi hits Inverted Dragon Screw. SANADA counters a Cloverleaf. Tanahashi counters a Frankensteiner with a Cloverleaf. SANADA fights to the ropes.
Tanahashi continues the attack on the injured leg. SANADA and Tanahashi trade uppercuts. SANADA counters a Dragon Suplex. Tanahashi counters Skull End. Tanahashi hits Twist & Shout. Tanahashi hits another Twist & Shout. SANADA hits a rope-hung Magic Killer. SANADA locks in Skull End. SANADA climbs to the top rope and hits a Moonsault. Tanahashi counters a second Moonsault. Tanahashi rolls up SANADA in a Small Package for two.
[stream died briefly]
SANADA hits a back elbow. SANADA hits a moonsault into Skull End. Tanahashi counters with a Small Package for two. SANADA counters Slingblade. Tanahashi counters a TKO. Both men attempt Skull End. Both men trade nearfalls.
SANADA counters a Dragon Suplex. SANADA locks in Skull End. Tanahashi fights out. SANADA counters a Dragon Suplex. Tanahashi counters the Japanese Clutch with a Japanese Clutch. SANADA counters with Skull End. Tanahashi submits in 24:11.