WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/6/19)

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Round One: The Street Profits vs Mustache Mountain

Bate monkey flips Ford but Ford lands on his feet. Dawkins runs over Bate and gets a near fall. Enziguri by Bate. Seven tags in. Bate and Seven hit a wasteland/senton combo for a near fall. Ford and Dawkins beat down Seven. Bate eventually gets the hot tag and clears the ring. Standing shooting star press for a near fall by Bate. Bate Koppo kicks Dawkins. Dawkins responds with a spear. Ford and Dawkins hit their finisher on Bate. Bate kicks out. Bate struggle German suplexes Dawkins. Bate and Seven hit their burning hammer/double stomp combo for the win!

Winners- Mustache Mountain

Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Round One: #DIY vs The Undisputed Era

Gargano sends Fish over the top. Assisted suicide dive by Gargano. Ciampa drops Fish with a leaping neck breaker. Fish sweeps Gargano’s legs on the apron. Fish and O’Reilly blast Gargano with dueling knee strikes. O’Reilly puts Gargano in a near bar. Fish crushes Gargano with a senton atomico. Fish and O’Reilly unload on Gargano in the corner with kick after kick. O’Reilly tosses Gargano around the ring with suplex after suplex. Wheelbarrow suplex by Fish. Gargano kicks out. Gargano finally manages to tag in Ciampa. Fish tries to sweep Ciampa’s legs but Ciampa jumps over Fish and drops a vicious knee to the back of O’Reilly’s head.

Tower of London by Ciampa. Cimap lands multiple German suplexes on Fish. Ciampa gets a near fall after a blue thunder bomb. Gargano tries a slingshot spear. O’Reilly catches Gargano in a guillotine choke.  Ciampa breaks it up with a knee trembler. A double clothesline leaves Gargano and O’Reilly out on the mat. Ciampa and Fish both tag in. Ciampa goes up top. Fish cuts Ciampa off. Fish obliterates Ciampa with a top rope Michinoku driver. O’Reilly puts Ciampa in a kneebar. Fish lands a top rope headbutt. Ciampa and Gargano both land their signature DDTs. O’Reilly kicks out. Gargano and Ciampa Meet in the middle for the win!

Winners- #DIY


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