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NJPW 47th Anniversary Show Results (3/6) Champion vs. Champion Main Event

SECOND MATCH: Yuji Nagata & Toa Henare vs. CHAOS (YOSHI-HASHI & Tomohiro Ishii)

Ishii and Nagata start the match. They lock up. Ishii gets Nagata on the ropes. Ishii slaps Nagata.

Nagata grabs Ishii by the throat. Nagata gets Ishii on the ropes and pummels him with elbows. Both men trade kicks and forearm strikes. Nagata drops Ishii. Nagata hits a soccer kick to the back. Nagata tortures the arm. Henare tags in.

Ishii goes after Nagata but then retreats to his corner and tags in YOSHI-HASHI. YOSHI-HASHI and Henare trade strikes.

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YOSHI-HASHI trips Henare and pulls him out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

YOSHI-HASHI gets Henare back in the ring. Ishii tags in. Ishii dominates Henare. Henare fights back but gets dropped with a huge blow. Ishii hits a swift kick, staring at Nagata as he does it. YOSHI-HASHI tags in.

YOSHI-HASHI punishes Henare. Henare comes back with a spear. Ishii tags in. Nagata tags in.

They dodge each other’s strikes. They trade tackles and kicks. Nagata hits a Yakuza Kick. Nagata hits a series of mid-kicks. Nagata hist a corner Yakuza Kick. Ishii hits a shoulder tackle. Ishii and Nagata trade blows. Nagata wins the exchange. Nagata locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. YOSHI-HASHI breaks up the submission. Nagata tosses YOSHI-HASHI out of the ring. Ishii hits a brainbuster.

YOSHI-HASHI tags in. Nagata and YOSHI-HASHI trade strikes. Henare tags in.

Henare pummels YOSHI-HASHI. YOSHI-HASHI fights back.They trade strikes. YOSHI-HASHI hits a spin kick. Henare hits a headbutt. Henare hits a brainbuster. Henare covers. Ishii breaks up the pin.

Ishii and Henare trade strikes. Nagata hits Ishii with an Exploder Suplex. Nagata hits YOSHI-HASHI with a Yakuza Kick.  Henare hits a Spear. Henare covers for two.

YOSHI-HASHI counters a Uranage. They trade lariats. YOSHI-HASHI hits a lariat. YOSHI-HASHI covers for two. YOSHI-HASHI hits KUMAGUROSHI for the pinfall in 12:09.