Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor/Corey Tatum

Honor Rising Night 2 Results (2/23) New Champions Crowned In Korakuen

SECOND MATCH: Marty Scurll vs. Robbie Eagles

They trade strikes to start. Eagles attacks Scurll’s leg. Scurll hits a back elbow. Scurll locks in a Romero Special. Scurll grabs Eagles’s nose. Scurll breaks the hold. Scurll sends Eagles to the outside.

Eagles counters the apron run superkick. Eagles hits a springboard dropkick. Eagles covers for two.

Scurll rolls up Eagles for two. Eagles hits an elbow to the back of the head. Eagles covers for two.

Eagles attacks the leg. Eagles hits a kick to the back of Scurll’s head. Eagles covers for two.

Eagles locks in a side headlock. Scurll powers out. Scurll hits an uppercut. Scurll hits an apron hung uppercut. Eagles falls to the arena floor. Scurll hits an apron run superkick. Scurll rolls Eagles back in the ring.

Scurll smacks the snot out of Eagles. Scurll hits an enziguiri. Scurll hits a powerbomb. Scurll covers for two.

Eagles hits Turbo Backpack Driver. Eagles covers for two. Eagles climbs to the top rope. Scurll dodges a 450 Splash. Scurll and Eagles exchange rollups.

Eagles counters a Superkick with an enziguiri. Scurll hits a superkick to the knee. Eagles hits an enziguiri. Scurll hits a lariat. Scurll hits a Package Piledriver. Scurll covers for two.

Eagles counters a Crossface Chickenwing. Scurll hits a Half & Half Suplex. Scurll gets on the top rope. Eagles climbs the top rope. Eagles backflips to the canvas. Eagles climbs back up. Eagles hits a springboard hurricanrana. Eagles covers for two.

They trade strikes. Scurll locks in Crossface Chickenwing. Eagles submits in 8:54.

WINNER: Marty Scurll


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