WWE Elimination Chamber Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/17/19)

The IIconics gloat and pose in the ring. The IIconics are surrounded by every remaining team. Tamina and Jax are next. Everyone tries to attack Jax and Tamina. Jax and Tamina clear the ring. The IIconics hide in a pod. Tamina and Jax Samoan drop Royce and Kay for the elimination.

The IIconics have been eliminated.

Bayley launches Deville into the corner. Bayley and Banks set Deville and Rose up for the double stack knees in the corner. Deville kicks out. Jax runs over Bayley. The Riott Squad start climbing the cage. They rest on top of one of the pod. As Tamina and Jax are beating down Rose and Deville, Morgan and Logan jump off the pod and hit stereo splashes on Tamina and Jax. Jax Samoan drops Morgan off the top rope. Tamina hits a top rope splash on Morgan and Logan for the pinfall.

The Riott Squad has been eliminated.

Jax tries to spear Bayley into one of the pods. Bayley moves out of the way. Jax goes through the plate glass is out cold. Tamina gets hit with a finisher from everyone left in the match. Deville, Banks, Bayley, and Rose all pin Tamina at the same time!

Nia Jax and Tamina have been eliminated.

Banks and Bayley hit their finisher on Deville. Rose breaks up the pin. Rose climbs one of the pods. Banks helps Bayley get on top of the pod. Banks and Bayley are about to toss Rose off the pod. Deville and Bayley fall off the side of the pod. Deville spears Bayley into one of the support beams. Rose sends Banks into one of the pods. Rose hits Angel’s Wings on Banks. Banks kicks out. Deville tries to spear Banks but Banks moves out of the way. Deville destroys Rose with a spear. Banks tries to put Deville in the Banks Statement. Banks can’t use her shoulder so she can’t lock in the hold. Banks uses her leg instead of her arm to lock in the Banks Statement! Deville taps out!

Winners and FIRST WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, The Boss & Hug Connection!

WWE Elimination Chamber Results Continue On The Next Page!


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