WWE Royal Rumble preview

WWE Royal Rumble Results 1.27.19

Entrant #12: Sarah Logan
Logan attacks Natalya. Logan boots Moon in the face. Moon falls off the apron but her feet hook the bottom rope to keep her from being eliminated. The IIconics toss out Cross.
Nikki Cross has been Eliminated.
Entrant #13: Charlotte Flair
Flair gets in the ring and most of the heels attack her. Flair suplexes Evans, then Moon. Lacey Evans eliminates both Royce and Kay.
The IIconics have been Eliminated.
Flair boots Li in the face sending her over the top.
Xia Li has been Eliminated.
Entrant #14: Kairi Sane
Flair tosses Tamina over the top.
Tamina has been Eliminated.
Sane dives off the top and elbows Logan. Flair and Sane trade chops. Sane drops the InSANE elbow on Logan. Logan is tossed over the top.
Sarah Logan has been Eliminated.
Entrant #15: Maria Kanellis
Evans and Flair square off. Kanellis yells that they need to pay attention to her. Flair and Evans deck Kanellis. Kanellis bulldogs Evans and Flair. Flair spears Kanellis.
Entrant #16: Naomi
Naomi goes right after Rose. Naomi tries to suplex Rose out of the ring. Naomi kicks Rose in the head. Rose falls out of the ring.
Mandy Rose has been Eliminated.
Rose pulls Naomi off the apron but Naomi puts her feet on the barricade. Naomi leaps off the barricade to the ring steps. Rose grabs Naomi’s foot and pulls her off the steps to cause the elimination.
Naomi has been Eliminated.
Flair throws Evans over the top.
Lacey Evans has been Eliminated.
Entrant #17: Candice LeRae
LeRae missile dropkicks Moon. LeRae puts Moon in the octopus hold. Moon gut busters LeRae.
Entrant #18: Alicia Fox
Kanellis tries convinces Fox to work with her. Fox dropkicks Sane. Kanellis DDTs Sane. Kanellis stomps on Fox’s hat for some reason. Fox drops to the mat and has a tantrum.
Entrant #19: Kacy Catanzaro
Catanzaro hits a dropkick and a ranna on Natalya. Catanzaro hits her handstand head scissors but Fox lands on the apron. Fox back breakers Catanzaro.
Entrant #20: Zelina Vega
Vega is dressed like Vega from Street Fighter. Vega and LeRae get in each other’s face. Vega and LeRae tear into each other. LeRae dropkicks Vega.
Entrant #21: Ruby Riott
Riott has Logan and Morgan with her. The Riott Squad pulls Flair under the ring. Vega rolls to the outside and hides under the ring. Ruby Riott tosses Fox over the top. The Riott Squad pulls LeRae out of the ring and eats a powerbomb.
Alicia Fox and Candice LeRae have been Eliminated.
Entrant #22: Dana Brooke
Brooke powerbombs Catanzaro. Riott sends Sane out of the ring. Sane hits the floor hard.
Kairi Sane has been Eliminated
Entrant #23: Io Shirai
Shirai dropkicks Logan and Morgan outside the ring. Shirai hits a golden triangle moonsault to the outside onto the entire Riott Squad.

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