WWE Royal Rumble preview

WWE Royal Rumble Results 1.27.19

Raw Women’s Championship Match: Ronda Rousey (c) vs Sasha Banks

Rousey and Banks get in each other’s faces. Banks sends Rousey to the mat with an arm drag. Banks tries another but Rousey reverses it. Rousey mocks Banks. Rousey goes for the three amigos. Banks tries to reverse it into the Banks Statement. Rousey almost counters into the armbar. Banks gets to the ropes. Banks slaps Rousey. Rousey just kicks Banks straight in the chest. Rousey accidentally punches the ring post. Banks hits a suicide dive. Banks gets a near fall. Rousey elbows Banks in the jaw. Banks sends Rousey head first into the turnbuckle. Rousey tries to roll into Piper’s Pit. Banks turns it into a modified armbar with a finger lock. Rousey rolls through but Banks turns it into the Banks Statement. Rousey escapes. Banks charges in and gets hit with Piper’s Pit.

Rousey puts Banks and a rope hang armbar. The referee makes Rousey break the hold. Rousey goes up top. Banks cuts her off. Banks lands a superplex. Rousey kicks out. Rousey tosses Banks around the ring by her arm. Banks manages to kicks Rousey out of the ring. Banks tries another dive. Rousey catches Banks and flips her into the armbar. Banks taps, but they are outside of the ring so it doesn’t matter. Banks and Rousey trade strikes. Banks lands a knee. Rousey bounces off the ropes and hits a knee of her own. Rousey only gets a two count. Banks trips Rousey into the corner. Banks drops a knee on Rousey’s arm. Rousey tries another Piper’s Pit. Banks reverses it into the Banks Statement. Banks chokes Rousey with her armband. Rousey almost gets to the ropes. Banks drags Rousey back to the middle of the ring. Banks turns it into a Fujiwara armbar. Rousey gets to her feet and gut wrench powerbombs Banks. Rousey lands another Piper’s pit for the win.

Winner and STILL Raw Women’s Champion, Ronda Rousey!

After the match, Rousey helps Banks to her feet. Banks just walks away. Banks walks back to the ring and shakes Rousey’s hand. Banks smiles and puts up the Four Horsewomen symbol. Banks walks up the ramp ad Rousey celebrates with the crowd.

WWE Royal Rumble Results Continue On The Next Page!