WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results 1.26.19

Matt Riddle vs. Kassius Ohno

Riddle is out first. WWE really likes the “Original Bro” nickname. Ohno wearing Phoenix Suns inspired gear.

Great back and forth action. The match relied on the stiff back and forth action. There was a spot where Kassius Ohno trapped riddles head inside of the apron and stomped on it.

Late in the match, Riddle was using his kicks and Kassius bit his big toe.

The match would end when Riddle would Pummel Kassius into submission using only strikes.

Winner: Matt Riddle

Decent match but unfortunately nothing to write home about. I really wish that Kassius Ohno was booked a little more strong.

Velveteen Dream appeared coming out of a limo with two girls and two guys. WWE plugged the Worlds Collide tournament.

NXT North American Champion: Johnny Gargano vs. Ricochet

The match started with chain wrestling. A lot of “human chess.” The action heated up after Johnny was asked which version of him we would see. Johnny cheap shotted Ricochet, and it. was. on!

The match was a wild ride of counter attacks and amazing athleticism.  Ricochet would attempt a shooting star press but Gargano would get his knees up. Gargano would go for the Gargano Escape and Ricochet would stand and heave Johnny into the turnbuckle. Gargano would attempt a Super Hurricanrana but Ricochet did the Ospreay spot where he lands on his feet.

Ultimately, Gargano buckled under the weight of his demons, dropping Ricochet onto the exposed concrete. Before saying “I win.” And dropping him with the Slingshot DDT. Johnny Champion is born.

Winner and New Champion: Johnny Gargano

Next page: NXT TakeOver: Phoenix coverage continues.