WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results 1/23/19

Kairi Sane and Io Shirai vs  Teana Brooks and Amber Nova

Shirai front flips through Nova’s clothesline attempt then hits a dropkick. Sane and Shirai double team Nova. Running neck breaker by Sane. Sliding D by Sane. Brooks distracts Sane as she goes up top for the InSANE Elbow. Nova knocks Sane off the top. Brooks tags in and slams Sane. Sane catches Brooks with the interceptor. Sane tags in Shirai. Tiger feint kick by Shirai. Shirai tosses Sane in the air. Sane lands on Brooks with a mini InSANE Elbow. Sane assist Shirai on a standing moonsault for the win!

Winners- Kairi Sane and Io Shirai

Velveteen Dream vs Bobby Fish w/Adam Cole

Dream back elbows Fish. Fish lands a few strikes. Dream ducks Fish’s head kick attempt. Fish drops Dream with a shoulder block. Dream lifts Fish up for the DVD but Fish escapes. Dream lands an ax handle off the top. Triangle dropkick by Dream. Dream goes back up top and hits a diving ax handle to the outside. Fish picks Dream’s leg as Cole distracts him. Fish drags Dream to the outside. Fish dragon screws Dream into the barricade. Fish kicks Dream in the thigh multiple times. Fish works over Dream’s injured leg. Fish puts Dream in a single leg crab. Dream gets to the ropes.

Dream knees Fish in the face. Dream missile dropkicks Fish. Fish kicks out. Fish kicks Dream in the knee. Fish hits the ropes but Dream destroys him with a spine buster. Dream hits the Purple Rainmaker but Fish rolls Dream into a kneebar. As Dream gets to the ropes Cole pulls the rope away from Dream so he can’t break the hold. The referee sees it and almost ejects Cole. Dream tosses Fish out of the ring onto Cole. Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver followed by the Purple Rainmaker for the win.

Winner- Velveteen Dream

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