WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results 1/15/19

Backstage, Joe says he is going to win the Royal Rumble.

Rey Mysterio vs Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Mysterio manages to take Andrade over with a snapping arm drag. Mysterio and Andrade try to feel each other out. Neither can get the advantage. Mysterio puts Andrade in a side headlock. Andrade keeps trying to get out of the headlock but each time, Mysterio goes right back to the headlock. Andrade kicks Mysterio in the gut. Andrade puts Mysterio in a hammerlock. Mysterio tries to roll out of it but Andrade holds on. Mysterio walks the ropes and takes Andrade over with a head scissors. Mysterio sets up the 619 but Andrade ducks and rolls up Mysterio. Mysterio kicks out. Andrade misses a dropkick. Mysterio springboard into a ranna. Andrade and Mysterio fall out of the ring. Mysterio is still on Andrade’s shoulders. Andrade powerbombs Mysterio out on the floor.

After the break, Andrade hits Meteora. Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio sends Andrade into the turnbuckle. Mysterio goes up top. Andrade trips Mysterio so he is caught on the second rope. Andrade sets up a double stomp but Mysterio pushes Andrade off the top rope. Mysterio dives off the top rope and hurricanranas Andrade off the apron. Andrade hits the floor hard. Andrade struggles to his feet. Mysterio hits a top rope senton to the outside. Code red by Mysterio. Andrade kicks out. hurricanrana by Mysterio but Andrade turns it into a sunset flip. Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio tries another Mexican Destroyer by Andrade reverses it into a Tiajana Slam. Mysterio kicks out. Andrade tries to powerbomb Mysterio but Mysterio turns it into a Mexican Destroyer. Andrade kicks out. Mysterio tries another 619 but Andrade catches Mysterio in a fireman’s carry. Mysterio turns it into a crucifix bomb. Andrade kicks out. Mysterio tries to go up top but Vega gets on the apron. Andrade cuts Mysterio off. Andrade hits the rope hang version of the Hammerlock DDT for the win!

Winner- Andrade

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