WWE TLC Results

WWE TLC Results (12/16): New Champions Crowned, Braun Strowman Returns, More

Intercontinental Championship Match: Seth Rollins (c) vs Dean Ambrose 
Rollins mushes Ambrose in the face. Running elbow by Rollins. Rollins lays into Ambrose with rights and lefts. Springboard clothesline by Rollins. Rollins lands a few elbows in the corner. Ambrose rolls out of the ring. Rollins charges in but Ambrose picks Rollins up and drops him on the announce desk. Ambrose sends Rollins into the ring. Ambrose beats down Rollins in the corner. Suplex by Ambrose. Ambrose lands a lariat for a near fall. Ambrose drives his elbow into the crown on Rollins’ head with a second rope elbow drop. Swinging neck breaker by Ambrose. Ambrose attacks Rollins knee before locking in a single leg crab. Rollins gets to the ropes. Rollins stuns Ambrose on the top rope. Guillotine leg drop by Rollins. Sling blade/blockbuster combo by Rollins. Multiple suicide dives by Rollins. Rollins goes up top. Ambrose cuts him off. Rollins tries a sunset flip bomb but Rollins’ knee gives out.
Rollins gets up and hits a buckle bomb.  A double crossbody takes out both men. The match devolves into a slugfest. Double chicken wing facebuster by Ambrose. Rollins manages to kick out. Rollins cuts Ambrose off up top and tries a superplex. Ambrose pushes Rollins off the top. Rollins is crotched on the top rope. Nasty clothesline by Ambrose. Ambrose mocks Rollins, calling for the Stomp. Rollins turns it into the ripcord knee. Rollins tries a frog splash but Ambrose gets his knees up. Rollins kicks out. Superplex/falcon arrow combo by Rollins. Ambrose kicks out at two. Rollins goes for a superkick. Ambrose sticks out his fist for the Shield fist bump. Rollins hesitates. Rollins decks Ambrose. Ambrose falls to the outside. Rollins powerbombs Ambrose on the barricade. Ambrose is almost counted out. Rollins drags Ambrose back into the ring. Rollins tries the Stomp but Ambrose reverses it into Dirty Deeds for the win.
Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Dean Ambrose!

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