Impact Wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results 12/13/18

Backstage, Konnan tells LAX that he is still pissed at them and they are on their own tonight.

Fenix w/Pentagon Jr. vs Santana w/Ortiz

Santana does Fenix’s rope jump arm drag. Fenix lands on his feet. Fenix hits a rope jump arm drag as well. Santana lands a dropkick. Fenix rolls out of the ring. Santana takes Fenix out with a tope con hilo. Fenix surprises Santana with a spin kick on the apron. Modified golden triangle moonsault by Fenix. Fenix misses a swanton. Santana destroys Fenix with the sick kick. Fenix kicks out. Fenix and Santana trade strikes. Santana gets a near fall after a uranage suplex. Santana superkicks Fenix on the apron.

Santana tries to hit the ropes but Fenix front rolls into the ring and hits a cutter. Santana kicks out. Santana drops Fenix with a reverse ranna. Santana plays to the crowd. Fenix pops to his feet and hits a reverse ranna of his own. Santana and Fenix trade strikes. Santana gets hung up in the ropes. Fenix walks the ropes and hits a PK!! Santana somehow kicks out. Roll through cutter by Santana. Santana hits an alley-oop into a Liger Bomb. Fenix kicks out. Santana goes up top. Corner spin kick by Fenix. Fenix hits his finisher for the win.

Winner- Fenix

Backstage, Killer Kross questions if Johnny Impact can protect his own wife. Impact grabs Kross by the throat. Kross says that is the Impact that can beat Brian Cage. Impact tells Kross to leave him and his wife alone.

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