WWE Smackdown Live

WWE SmackDown Live Results (11/27): Huge Women’s Battle Royal With TLC Implications, More

Kofi Kingston w/New Day vs The Miz

Miz forces Kingston into the corner. Kingston drops Miz with a clothesline. After a distraction by Woods and Big E. Kingston hits a suicide dive. After the break, Kingston lands the boom drop. Kingston calls for Trouble in Paradise. Miz avoids it. After Miz and Kingston both try their finishes, Kinston eventually hits the SOS. Miz kicks out. Miz obliterates Kingston with a DDT. Kingston kicks out. Miz takes one of the turnbuckle pads off. Big E. gets on the apron and covers the exposed metal with a stack of pancakes. Miz takes out Woods with a baseball slide. Miz tries to bring a chair into the ring but Woods yanks it away. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise for the win.

Winner- Kofi Kingston

In Ring Segment: Randy Orton

Orton comes to the ring with Rey Mysterio’s mask. Orton refers to his beatdown of Mysterio as “euphoric”. Orton doesn’t understand why these masks are so important. Orton wasn’t trying to insult Mysterio’s culture. Orton wanted to embarrass Mysterio. Mysterio comes out on the ramp. Orton and Mysterio fight on the ramp. Orton sends Mysterio into the barricade. Orton tries to rip off Mysterio’s mask again. Orton rips off Mysterio’s neck brace. Mysterio fires back and hits a 619. Mysterio tries to bring a chair into the ring. Orton fires back with a hangman’s DDT. Mysterio is out. Orton puts a chair on Mysterio’s throat and slams it into the ring steps. Referees and officials run out an pull Orton away.

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