WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (11/26): Baron Corbin Draws A Line In The Sand, Alexa Bliss Gets A Promotion, Seth Rollins Defends The IC Title, More

Elias vs Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush, Drew McIntyre, and Baron Corbin
Lashley and Elias lock up. Lashley drives Elias into the corner. Lashley gives Elias a clean break. Lashley poses in front of Elias. Elias chops Lashley. Lashley spears Elias into the corner. Lashley drives his shoulder into Elias’ gut. Lashley gets a near fall. Elias baseball slides into Lashley. Lashley bodyslams Elias. Elias kicks out at two. Elias fires back with a few chops. Lashley dumps Elias to the outside. McIntyre gets in Elias’ face. After the distraction, Lashley sends Elias into the ring post. After the break, Elias hits a diving elbow. Rush pulls the referee out of the ring. The referee throws the match out. Elias wins via DQ.
Winner- Elias
No DQ Match: Elias vs Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush, Drew McIntyre, and Baron Corbin
Baron Corbin gets on the mic and says because Elias int]urupted him Corbin didn’t a chance to say this was a no DQ match. Corbin attacks Elias but Elias sends Corbin into the barricade. McIntyre tries to attack Elias but Elias sends McIntyre into the ring post. Elias grabs his guitar and sets up to level Lashley with it. Corbin elbows Elias in the back of the head. The heels take turns beating up Elias. McIntyre destroys Elias with a nasty looking Claymore out on the floor. McIntyre Alabama Slams Elias on the ring steps. Lashley runs around the ring and spears Elias. Lashley flexes his biceps as he pins Elias with one foot on his chest.
Winner- Bobby Lashley

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