WWE Survivor Series Results (11/18): Raw Battles Smackdown Live For Brand Supremacy, Charlotte Flair Destroys Ronda Rousey, Daniel Bryan Goes Face-To-Face With Brock Lesnar, More

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon tells Baron Corbin that Raw better sweep SD Live. If they don’t he will not be the permanent Raw GM. Shane McMahon and Paige walk in. Corbin makes fun of all the people SD Live has lost before Survivor Series. Shane says he can’t wait for SD Live to take the night so we can all see his sister fire Corbin.

United States Champions Shinsuke Nakamura vs Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins

Nakamura and Rollins try to feel each other out. Neither can get the early advantage. Nakamura backs Rollins into the corner. Nakamura taunts Rollins and tells him to come on! Rollins doesn’t bite. Nakamura puts Rollins in an armbar. Rollins front flips out of it. Nakamura misses a kick. Rollins tells Nakamura to come on! Rollins rolls up Nakamura. Nakamura kicks out. Rollins tries the ripcord knee but Nakamura hooks the ropes. Nakamura knees Rollins in the gut. Rollins explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Rollins hits a leaping leg drop through the rope. Rollins tries a dive but Nakamura knees Rollins in the face as he sails through the ropes. Nakamura hits a knee strike on the apron. Nakamura gets a near fall. Nakamura gives Rollins bad vibrations. Nakamura lands a leaping knee to Rollins’ head. Rollins kicks out again. Double chicken wing by Nakamura. Rollins struggles to his feet. Nakamura gives Rollins bad vibrations again.

Nakamura knees Rollins on the crown of his head. Rollins complete shots Nakamura into the middle turnbuckle. Rollins and Nakamura exchange strikes. Sling blade by Rollins. Rollins slams Nakamura out of the ring. Rollins hits a trifecta of suicide dives. Nakamura catches Rollins with a kick to the face. Nakamura gets a two count after a running knee in the corner. Nakamura sets up the reverse exploder. Rollins fights out of it. Nakamura hits a one-legged backstabber. Rollins responds with a low superkick. Nakamura barely kicks out in time. Nakamura escapes Rollins buckle bomb attempt. Nakamura stomps Rollins in the ropes. Rollins fires up and stops Nakamura in the ropes. Rollins walks into a flying armbar by Nakamura.

Rollins gets to his feet but Nakamura transitions into a triangle. Rollins counters the triangle into a one-armed buckle bomb. Rollins calls for the Stomp. Nakamura boots Rollins in the face. Nakamura hits landslide. Rollins kicks out. Nakamura goes up top. Rollins leaps to the top rope and superplexes Nakamura. Rollins rolls through and hits a falcon arrow. Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura and Rollins trade punches. Nakamura ax kicks Rollins. Nakamura finally hits the exploder. Nakamura misses the Kinshasa. Rollins drops Nakamura with the ripcord knee. Nakamura kicks out. Rollins misses a frog splash. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa to the back of Rollins’ head. Rollins kicks out! Nakamura misses the Kinshasa. Rollins hits the stomp for the win.

Winner- Seth Rollins

Raw 2- SDLive 0

WWE Survivor Series Results Continue On The Next Page!