LAX vs Fallah Bahh and KM
Santana tries to waist lock Bahh, but that doesn’t go well. Santana and Bahh trade armbars. Santana tries a shoulder block but he just bounces off of Bahh. Ortiz tells Santana to knock Bahh off his feet. Bahh runs over Santana. Santana and Bahh have a Lucha exchange. Santana tries a sunset flip. Bahh counters into a Bonzai drop but Santana move out of the way. Santana and Ortiz send Bahh to the outside. LAX sets up a dive but Bahh pulls Santana to the outside.
Bahh hits a rolling kick on Ortiz as he tries to five out of the ring. Bahh and KM steamroll Ortiz. Santana and Ortiz take turns beating down KM. KM reverses LAX double suplex attempt with a double suplex of his own. KM tags in Bahh. Bahh hip attacks both Santana and Ortiz. LAX gets the win after a combo springboard moonsault/leg drop on KM.
Winners- LAX
If @FALLAH1 keeps this up he might get a run in Vegas as a magician! #IMPACTonPop
— TNA Wrestling (@ThisIsTNA) November 16, 2018