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Batista Urges Americans To Vote Democrat; Mike & Maria Kanellis Rock The Vote (PHOTO)

Batista Urges Americans To Vote Democrat; Mike & Maria Kanellis Rock The Vote (PHOTO)

Batista Urges Americans To Vote Democrat

WWE legend Batista has made no secret regarding his opposition to WWE Hall of Famer President Donald Trump & some of his more conservative policies. After voting earlier today, the progressive leaning member of Evolution, posted the following via Instagram,

“My fellow Americans!!! If you don’t vote now,don’t complain later! This is everyone’s chance to stand up and speak out about our current political nightmare.Every single vote counts!! #vote#democrat

RELATED: Batista’s Five Greatest Rivals

Mike & Maria Kanellis Rock The Vote (PHOTO)

WWE Superstars Mike and Maria Kanellis also took to the polls to cast an early vote ahead of election day on November 6th.

Maria Kanellis added the following to her Intagram account,

“Civic Duty completed… #ivoted #standyourground #vote@therealmichaelbennett


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