WWE RAW spoilers

WWE RAW Results (10/29): Seth Rollins Wants Answers From Dean Ambrose, Brock Lesnar Attacks Braun Strowman, Final Hype For Crown Jewel, More

Finn  Bálor vs Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush

Lashley drives Bálor into the corner. Lashley drives his shoulder into Bálor’s midsection. Lashley drops Bálor with a sidewalk slam. Nerve hold by Lashley. Bálor trips Lashley to the outside. Tope con hilo by Bálor. After the break, Lashley is driving his elbow into Bálor’s head. Lashley goes back to the nerve hold. Bálor gets to his feet. Waistlock takedown by Lashley. Lashley sends Bálor into the corner. Lashley charges in but Bálor gets a boot up.

Bálor clotheslines Lashley. Lashley tries to powerbomb Bálor. Bálor reverses it into a back body drop. Double stomp by Bálor. Bálor tries a leapfrog but Lashley catches Bálor and hits an inverted C4. Bálor kicks out. Lashley goes for a suplex. Bálor escapes and hits the sling blade. Bálor shotgun dropkicks Lashley. Bálor goes up top. Rush pushes Bálor off the top but the referee doesn’t see it. Bálor goes back up top. Rush pushes Bálor off the top again to cause the disqualification.

Winner- Finn Bálor

After the match, Lashley drives Bálor back-first into the barricade. Lashley sends Bálor into the apron. Lashley tosses Bálor back into the ring. Lashley puts Bálor in a full nelson. Rush slaps Bálor a few times.  As Lashley poses in the ring, Rush gets a message on his cell phone and tells Lashley they have to go.

WWE RAW Results Continues On The Next Page!


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