Cheeseburger is the latest guest on ROHWrestling.com’s Ten Questions Q&A. He talks about things such as what he would be doing if he wasn’t wrestling, why his name is Cheeseburger, his early wrestling memories such as his first piece of purchased merchandise and much more. Below are some highlights:
Cheeseburger On His Name’s Origins:
When I began training at the ROH Dojo in 2010, I weighed maybe 107 pounds at the time. Rhett Titus would come in for training and say, “Wow that guy needs to eat some cheeseburgers!” The name Cheeseburger just stuck after that. Nobody in the locker room knew my actual name and just referred to me as Cheeseburger.
January 2013, while I was cleaning out streamers in the ring, Charlie Haas yelled at me to get in the ring for interrupting his time. He berated me on the mic and called me Cheeseburger. Suddenly the entire Baltimore crowd of 600 people began chanting in unison. After that day my ring name was officially Cheeseburger. I absolutely hated it at the time. “What kind of career can a guy named Cheeseburger have?” I thought to myself.
Cheeseburger On His Earliest Memories Of Pro Wrestling:
I’d spend the night at my dad’s house while growing up and we’d watch wrestling together. My dad was always amazed that Ric Flair was still wrestling. This was around 2001-2002. My parents took me to a live event around that time. The first piece of merchandise I ever bought was a Road Dogg bucket hat from that event. No idea whatever happened to that hat, however.
Cheeseburger On The Best Advice He’s Ever Received:
Be polite and respectful to everyone you meet. It seems cliche but this advice alone has gotten me further in wrestling than anything else. It got me a job at Ring of Honor, opportunities to be in the ring with legends, and even got me to Japan. Just these qualities alone can open up so many doors for a young aspiring wrestler. This advice was given to me by my trainers and mentors Delirious and Daizee Haze.
Cheeseburger On His Greatest Moment In Pro Wrestling:
No question, wrestling in the Tokyo Dome. Not only once but getting to go three times in a row! My second and third time were my favorites. My first trip to Japan was a blur and almost like a dream that didn’t actually happen. I was much more confident and relaxed the next time I went. The NJPW Rumble is such a fun time for me as a wrestler and a fan. I’ve been lucky enough to share the ring with so many legends throughout these tours. Legends like Great Kabuki, Haku, Fujiwara, Billy Gunn, and of course, Scott Norton.
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To read the full Q&A, click the ROH link above.
ROH Dojo Opening
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage
ROH Dojo Opening
Photo Credit: Danny Cage