While The League Of Nations may have been a very short-lived faction, their feud with the New Day was far more important than many people realize. The New Day were heels prior to their program with the League and despite this, they were red hot.
They were at the stage where heels stopped getting booed and start getting cheered purely because of how entertaining they are. This resulted in a well-timed face turn for The New Day as they took on The League. They would have multiple title matches against each other, with The New Day mostly winning. They would clash at WrestleMania 32 in a non-title match, where The League won.
Their victory would result in a title shot the following night on RAW, which The New Day were victorious in. The League would then disband shortly thereafter, but it was a fun feud regardless that saw New Day reach new levels of popularity.
Next Page: The New Day’s 5 Best Feuds