5 Dream Opponents For Kaitlyn On The Current WWE Roster

5 Dream Opponents for Kaitlyn in the current WWE roster
(Photo by Gabriel Olsen/WireImage)

#3.) Ronda Rousey

Very few superstars in WWE history have picked up in-ring skills as fast as Ronda Rousey has. She’s an athletically gifted Olympic medalist and her talent in the ring is blaring despite the inexperience. While she has an entire roster to face ahead of her, Kaitlyn would be a surprisingly good opponent for her.

Rousey is yet to have a bad match and with Kaitlyn’s mass, seeing her take a judo throw would definitely be impressive. The two would very likely match up stylistically well and have an impressive bout. While Kaitlyn isn’t as quick paced as Rousey is, she’s agile and very strong which could also help her in blocking Rousey’s judo throws and explosive offense.

Next Page: 5 Dream Opponents for Kaitlyn in the current WWE roster

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