#5.) Razor Ramon–Ted Dibiase
We’re going to clump two rivalries into one because they were intertwined. When Waltman debuted on RAW, he went by different names, particularly being called “The Kid” when facing Razor Ramon in one of his first matches on RAW. Ramon was a well-established star at this point and Waltman was the young up-and-comer. In one of the biggest upsets in RAW history, The Kid pinned Ramon clean, thus being dubbed as the “1-2-3 Kid”. He would enter a brief rivalry against Ramon, who even put $10,000 on the line in a rematch against The Kid.
Enter Ted Dibiase, who mocked Ramon for losing to The Kid. This storyline would set up a face turn for Ramon, who even took the 1-2-3 Kid under his wing. Together, the two would feud with Dibiase and Irwin R. Schyster, his tag team partner. It was a great introductory feud, not just for Waltman but it benefitted everyone overall. Many consider this to be Dibiase’s final “high profile” feud.
Next Page: Sean Waltman’s 5 Greatest Rivalries