Sean Waltman’s 5 Greatest Matches

Photo Credit: Christopher Forgie

#3.) Chris Jericho – No Mercy 2000

After a series of bouts between the two in 2000, Jericho and X-Pac went head-on in a Steel Cage match. This was one of Jericho’s first true tests in the WWE.  The two had the best match of their series that even saw a Walls Of Jericho happen on top of the cage.

Jericho would go on to win an outstanding contest and ultimately win the feud. It was a huge Kickstarter for Jericho in the WWE. Jericho himself has stated that his feud with X-Pac was vital in making an impact in the compay and he felt that he was on the verge of being fired a few times had he not gotten it right. Thankfully, it all worked out for him.