#5.) Stephanie vs Vince McMahon – No Mercy 2003
If you’re not familiar with the context, this may sound bizarre to you. And bizarre it was. In 2003, when Vince McMahon was celebrating Brock Lesnar‘s WWE title victory, then-SmackDown GM Stephanie McMahon came out to announce that Brock Lesnar would defend his title against The Undertaker at No Mercy.
An infuriated Vince tried to get her to change her decision, but she didn’t back down. This prompted Vince to set up an “I Quit” match between him and his daughter at No Mercy Thanks to Linda McMahon, it became a “Loser resigns” match.
With Linda being in the corner Stephanie, Vince and his daughter went on to have a surprisingly entertaining match with the crowd heavily into it. He would eventually choke Stephanie with a lead pipe, forcing Linda to quit on her behalf and subsequently forcing her to resign as SmackDown GM.