#5.) Andre vs Hulk Hogan – Saturday Night’s Main Event 1988
Hogan was on the tail end of a historic 4-year WWF title reign. He had already been established as the face of the company and all of pro wrestling. With WWF then being on national TV, both Hogan and Andre’s popularity shot up, giving their rivalry a lot of heat.
When the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase tried to purchase the title for Hogan, he failed and turned to Andre to take it for him. During the match between Hogan and Andre on Saturday Night’s main event, chaos saw referee Dave Hebner and his “evil twin brother” Earl Hebner exchange places and count fast when Andre pinned Hogan. Despite Hogan kicking out, Andre was the winner and declared the champion.
He would then sell the title to DiBiase. Though DiBiase would be stripped of the title, it was an epic showing of high-level drama between the two biggest icons of the company.