John Cena recived sound advice
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

5 Reasons Why John Cena Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Talent

john cena
Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for New Games Productions Inc.

#4.) A true company man through and through

John Cena has an unwavering loyalty towards WWE. There was nobody that worked harder than he did on the roster and he never took his position with the company for granted. Even when leaving for Hollywood and making fewer appearances with WWE, he’s never been shy to hide the fact that WWE is home for him and his first true love.

There have been superstars who were” company men” in the past, but none like John Cena. He’s proven to be the best pick, not only being a top star, but constantly doing media and all sorts of appearances. If a WWE superstars’ schedule is grueling, Cena’s is likely 1.5x or 2 times that.

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