#1.) Hell in a Cell match – Armageddon 2000
The six-man tag team match featured one of the most star-studded multi-man matches in WWE history, along with Rikishi. It should be noted that it was the final PPV of 2000 and just around a year into Kurt Angle‘s WWE run. He picked up the business faster than anyone before and found himself as WWE Champion in his debut year.
He had to defend the title in a daunting task against The Undertaker, The Rock, ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin, Triple H and Rikishi. It was a gruelling affair which turned out to be chaotic in the best way possible. It was Hell in a Cell done right and the most iconic spot of the match saw Rikishi being chokeslammed from top of the cell onto a stack of hay.
Kurt Angle narrowly retained the title by the skin of his teeth.