It’s hard to find a heel as despicable as Tommaso Ciampa. He lives and breathes the business and his character on-screen is simply dedication and excellence at its finest. When he was away for 7 months on the shelf, he improved his physique and made sure that he even looked like the most hateable guy on the planet.
The fact that he would cost Johnny Gargano his NXT career (even if temporarily) continued to fuel audience’s anger towards him. The fact that he could walk out to no theme song and just a chorus of boos shows the amount of trust that WWE has in him. It’s something that’s rarely ever been done before and in the modern age where heels are cheered, Ciampa feels old-school.
His NXT career has always been intertwined with Gargano and as you’ll see, his five best moments in WWE involve him as well. Let’s get to it.
Next Page: Tommaso Ciampa’s 5 Best Moments In WWE