Big Show vs. Big Cass

Big Show vs. Big Cass. Big waste of time. Big waste of a main event. Let’s face it: the Big Show is not important anymore. This is not 2002. 15 years have not been kind to Big Show, aside from getting healthier. I am so perplexed about this decision, less than three weeks away to put these guys in the MAIN EVENT. Big Cass beats down Show and Enzo, so why do we care to see this feud anymore? That is it. Big Show cannot beat Cass, right?
We know what happens here. Big Cass will win another match and then possibly get something a little more interesting. He will still fend off his former friend and his newfound giant. Do we care? Does anyone really care to see this feud, one that has completely lost all steam, play out over the course of 2-3 weeks? They dropped the main event ball tonight and the last hour should have been great. It was well below average and glares a light on the constant booking errors by creative.