Photo Credit: WWE

Isenberg Reacts: WWE RAW “When Things Change, They Still Stay The Same”

Samoa Joe vs. Roman Reigns


Results via WZ Live Coverage:

As Reigns is walking down the ramp Joe attacks him from behind. Joe tosses Reigns into the barricade over and over again. Joe slams Reigns head first into the ring post. Joe hits a running senton out on the floor. Reigns manages to crawl into the ring. The bell rings and Joe is all over him. Joe tries to toss Reigns to the outside, but Reigns ends up tossing him to the outside. Reigns tosses Joe in the barricade. Reigns rolls Joe back into the ring. Reigns tries to whip Joe into the corner. Joe reverses it and hits his patented running back elbow/falling enziguri combo in the corner. Joe grabs Reigns by the head and yells at him before landing another headbutt. Joe lands a few chops. Reigns fires up. Reign hits the ropes, but Joe runs over him. Joe lands the Muta elbow for a near fall.

Cross face strikes by Joe. Joe chokes Reigns on the top rope. Reigns looks to be out on his feet. Snap suplex by Joe for a one count. Joe locks in a surfboard stretch. Reigns fights out of it. Reigns and Joe trade punches in the middle of the ring. Reigns hits a jumping clothesline. Reigns tries to pick up Joe for a Samoan drop, but Reigns can’t get Joe off the ground. Reigns lands multiple clotheslines in the corner. Joe surprises Reigns with an inverted atomic drop, followed by a big boot and a running senton for a near fall. Joe face washes Reigns in the corner. Joe hits the ropes for a running boot, but Reigns gets up and catches him with a Samoan drop for a long two count. Reigns calls for the Superman punch. Joe rolls out of the ring. Reigns hits the drive-by. Superman punch by Reigns. Reigns calls for the Spear, but Strowman’s music hits. Strowman storms to the ring. Reigns Superman punches Strowman off the apron. Joe kicks Reigns in the back of the head. Joe whips Reigns into the ropes and obliterates him with a spinning uranage suplex for the win.

After the match, Strowman beats down Reigns. Strowman crushes Reigns with a running power slam. Strowman hits Reigns with the ring steps. Strowman picks up Reigns and power slams him through the barricade.

A solid main event and good insight into the ability of Samoa Joe. If you have not seen him wrestle, tonight was a perfect sample size for the casual fan. His spin kick in the corner shows his agility. His striking ability shows his quickness. His back splashes and suplexes shows his strength. Earlier on WWE RAW, he signed his contract and cut a mean promo. What are his weaknesses? Does he really have any? The only thing I would have liked to see is a clean win, but it is Roman Reigns so that will not happen.

Speaking of Roman Reigns, he is really good. I just get bothered by how every RAW match seems to be the same for him. When you see him on PPV’s, they let him expand his offense. I wonder why that is. The only excellent Reigns match I can remember in quite some time is his bout with Rusev. It was longer, made sure they developed a sense of urgency and drama. I do not hate Roman Reigns, but I wish they could give him more to do on a weekly basis. You are seeing that with John Cena, why not Roman Reigns? Also, horrible usage of Braun Strowman earlier in the night was saved by his destruction of the 3-time WWE World Champion.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE RAW Rating:

WZ 6

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