WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

Isenberg Reacts: WWE NXT “From Strong Style To Glorious”

Shinesuke Nakamura vs. Bobby Roode

(Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage)
(Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage)

Results Via WZ Live Coverage:

Nakamura kicks Roode in the leg. Roode backs up. Roode tries to go behind Nakamura, but Nakamura turns it into an armbar. Roode stands out of it and locks in a headlock. Nakamura forces Roode into the ropes. Nakamura taunts Roode, Roode does the glorious taunt. Nakamura tries to lock up with Roode, but Roode retreats to the ropes. Roode elbows Nakamura in the head. Roode takes Nakamura down with a top wrist lock. Nakamura front flips out if, but Roode reverses it into a head scissor. Nakamura headstands out of it. Roode tries to taunt Nakamura again, but Nakamura knees him in the gut then sticks him with a flying knee drop. Spinning enziguri by Nakamura. Nakamura charges at Roode in the corner, but Roode catches him and sits Nakamura on the top rope. Roode pushes Nakamura off the top. Nakamura takes a nasty spill to the outside. Roode gets a two count.

Roode tries the Glorius DDT, but Nakamura reverses it into a knee strike. Nakamura hits the ropes and runs right into a spine buster for another near fall. Roode sets Nakamura on the top rope for a superplex. Nakamura fights out of it. Nakamura gourd busters Roode off the top. Diving kick by Nakamura. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa again, but Roode kicks Nakamura in the face. Roode pins Nakamura with his feet on the ropes, but the Referee sees it. Nakamura yells at Roode to come one. Nakamura levels him with a kick to the face. Rolling armbar by Nakamura. Nakamura transitions into a triangle. Roode picks up Nakamura, but Nakamura rolls him over with a sunset flip.

Nakamura hits the Kinshasa, but Roode kicks out. Nakamura goes up top. Roode rolls out to the apron. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa off the top, but Nakamura hurts his knee in the process. Nakamura is clutching at his knee. Nakamura crawls back into the ring. Nakamura hits the Kinshasa, but Nakamura is writhing in pain. The trainer gets in the ring and checks on Nakamura. Nakamura says he can go. Roode runs over, hits the Glorious DDT, but Nakamura kicks out! Roode locks in a half crab. Nakamura kicks his way out of it. Roode hits another Glorious DDT for the win.

What a fantastic story, match and physical battle between two of NXT’s best performers. Bobby Roode gave everyone notice that he can hang with Nakamura and his strong style of offense. I  knew this, but this was the first time in NXT or WWE where he could show off his ability and overall talent in the ring. The story was so dramatic and detailed, with multiple attempts to put down the champion. It would be what the champion uses the most to win that would be his biggest failure tonight. The strength of Shinsuke was exposed to Bobby Roode, who was the ultimate opportunist tonight. 
This finish can set up two to three more months of Nakamura vs. Roode, which I am sure everyone will sign up for. They showed so much chemistry together and put the roster on notice about stepping up their game. Both men are polished from top to bottom and this was such an excellent showcasing of main event talent.
WZ 9

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE NXT Rating:

WZ 7.5



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