HBK, Enzo and Cass

With the return of one of the best in ring performers in WWE history, you knew that fans were going to complain. You sensed it as soon as he began to tease about coming back and missing the fans. Instead of making a huge announcement, Shawn Michaels hyped his movie and then helped Enzo and Cass make fun of Rusev, Jinder Mahal and Lana. All three faces worked great together, with Rusev adding just enough dry humor to keep it going. At the end of the segment, Sweet Chin Music knocked out Rusev and Big Cass ended the night for Jinder Mahal.
Yes, we all want to see Shawn Michaels have one more match. He looks in great shape, but is it really necessary? With Brock, Goldberg, Undertaker, Seth Rollins, John Cena, Randy Orton and everyone else healthy, his return would be completely overshadowed by everything else going on. It would be special, but not special enough. When his career is over, will the fans remember the 20 years of greatness or that ONE match when he kinda came back? What do you remember Sting by? What do you remember Goldberg by? Let HBK stay on the sidelines, even though the fan inside of me would pay top dollar to see him fight someone like AJ Styles. Tonight, he helped an average feud feel more important and that was absolutely alright with me. Good to see him back and hit his finisher one more time. That never gets old to me.
Do I wish Seth Rollins would have come out and confronted him about his best friend, Triple H? Absolutely. Sometimes, the logical thing is the smartest thing. WWE did not want to do the logical thing (for whatever reason) on January 9th.
Neville defeated Lince Dorado
The king of the Cruiserweights took on Dorado in a fast paced match that got a lot of offense in early. Neville, an athletic freak and ridiculously strong, hit a Northern Lights Suplex and then would get Dorado to tap out to the King Lock. Rich Swann made his way down to the ring, and both men got into it. Neville escapes unharmed. All that you need to know is that Neville’s time is coming. There is no way you cannot have him as champion heading into WrestleMania. He can save the division and make the match in Orlando special. Will it be a Cruiserweight Invitational? I would not be against that, especially if the last person would end up being Austin Aries. He will only stay on commentary for a little bit, as there is so much more in the tank for him.