Braun Strowman… Or Else

He demanded Sami Zayn. He did not get him. He destroyed Titus O’Neil and Sin Cara, tossing Cara off the stage and destroying the Christmas decorations. The main event of the night would be Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.
After a short break, Rollins tags Reigns in. Reigns clears the ring. Reigns tosses Owens into the barricade. Owens tries to get back in the ring, but Reigns hits the drive-by. Reigns is clotheslining Owens over and over again in the corner. Jericho comes up behind Reigns, but Reigns turns around and floors him with an uppercut. Owens surprises Reigns with a superkick. Jericho locks in a rear chin lock. Reigns fights out of it but ends up running right into a dropkick by Jericho. Owens tags back in and bad mouths Reigns as he stomps him. Jericho slaps Reigns in the head over and over again.
Reigns slaps him back, then Owens. Jericho kicks Reigns in the face to stall out his momentum. Owens applies a side headlock. Reigns picks up Owens and Samoan drops him. Reigns tags in Rollins. Rollins blockbusters Owens, then goes to the other side of the ring and blockbusters Jericho. Rollins hits a neck breaker on Jericho and a DDT on Owens at the same time. Jericho manages to kick out. Jericho misses a lionsault. Rollins sets up the Pedigree, but Jericho reverses it. Rollins kicks Jericho in the head. Jericho falls to the outside. Rollins takes out both Owens and Jericho with a topé. Rollins rolls Jericho back into the ring. Owens grabs Rollins foot before he can get in the ring. Reigns Superman Punches Owens out of nowhere. Rollins springboard knees Jericho in the face. Rollins goes up top for a frog splash, but Jericho gets his knees up. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho but Rollins gets to the ropes. Brawn Strowman runs to ringside and attacks Reigns. Owens and Jericho have by disqualified. Braun hits his power slam onto Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns to end the night.
Talk about making a statement. Braun Strowman is ready to be in something very meaningful. Should he be in a World Championship match? No, but his feud with Sami is giving him more than I expected. With his interference in the main event, WWE RAW is using him perfectly. You want to milk Jericho vs. Owens, which looks to be happening at WrestleMania. You want to delay Triple H vs. Seth Rollins until Orlando. What better way that giving the focus on WWE RAW to a guy that needs it and that has done everything positive to put himself in this situation.
After tonight, people are talking about Braun Strowman. People want to see him and WWE knows this is something good on their hands. Do not do too much too soon, but I can easily see Braun vs. Roman at WrestleMania or even something bigger and more beast-ly. If only Goldberg wasn’t involved…