Isenberg Reacts: WWE RAW and Smackdown Need Back on Track…Fast

The Women in WWE


Sasha is back and getting ready to claim her championship again. This injury has confused me with her and seems rushed. Let her heal. As for Charlotte and Bayley, I think you build it as Bayley waiting and waiting to get her championship match. I would not be against that being in early 2017, with Sasha Banks holding the championship for a while to end the year. Let people crave it, want it and beg for it. It did work for Daniel Bryan.

As for Smackdown Live, they have a lot of unproven talent. What does this mean? It means Becky Lynch should win on Sunday. Establish that title as credible, with someone who deserves it and is clearly the best. If this is accomplished, WWE can let Carmella, Alexa Bliss and Naomi compete to see who is the best option. And after another three weeks, Smackdown gets back to All Red Everything, which will excite any and all fans.

Mid Card Guys Lost

Do we want to see squashes week after week? Do we care for Titus O’Neil? Darren Young? Fandango? Kane? There are so many mismanaged stories and a lack of interest from hour two of RAW to the main event and the second part of Smackdown Live. Instead of focusing on character development, these guys are given 2-3 minutes of time to have everyone care less and less about what they are watching.

Sami Zayn deserves better and Cesaro/Sheamus is a good mid card feud. What happens after? What about Bray Wyatt, who is a mid card guy who SHOULD be a main eventer consistently. Enough of his promos and let him wrestle. Let him be the real dominant force in the ring that should have happened 16 months ago.

There is NO excuse for a lack of character development when you have 5 hours of television, including 3 additional hours of pre and post shows. A weekly episodic program is tough to write, but sometimes the lack of interest is their fault. WWE really needs to get back on track and showcase their talent, not their LACK of talent.

Speaking of mid card guys, nobody is on the level of AJ Styles on Smackdown. He MUST be champion. Dean and Dolph are mid card guys that thrive with The Miz, which is not a bad thing.

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.




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