MizTV With The Miz and Maryse

The Miz comes out and says his guest is a former world champion. He introduces himself and talks about how he is a person everyone else can be proud of since they can’t be proud of themselves. He cuts a little more and then out comes Randy Orton. He comes out and starts to talk about being the Legend Killer and cuts a dig on how he knows The Miz likes playing with himself. He challenges The Miz to a match, but he says no. Maryse, who grabs the mic and begins to talk, accepts it on her husbands behalf.
The Viper gets thrown out of the ring early, selling a potential shoulder injury. The Miz works on his shoulder a bit until Orton is able to fire back. It gets to Orton again, taken down by a neckbreaker and backbreaker combination. Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere and another to pick up the win on Smackdown.
I am not sure I love this match. Randy Orton needs to look strong, but The Miz as champion should look strong as well. He is the second champion now and that needs to be stressed. Did we really need to see Randy Orton in a match before SummerSlam? Make him like Brock and make him feel like he is a box office draw. He should get the same treatment as Brock, pay to see him fight.
Two Free Agents
Heath Slater comes out and talks about not being drafted, calling himself the hottest free agent and beats up a local talent. Shane McMahon says there is another hot free agent, which prompts Rhyno to come out and hit a Gore.
Rhyno on Smackdown is fine with me, another veteran guy who fills out a roster of question marks and holes. I like Rhyno and his ability to make younger guys look good. Is he a main event guy? Absolutely not, but he is a positive addition to this roster. There is low risk and medium reward for a guy like him. I do think Heath Slater cut a great promo and should be considered as someone to get a push in the near future. He has some good skills on the mic and is a talented worker.