Money in the Bank Contenders Matches

Three matches took place involving Money in The Bank contenders. We had The Lucha Dragons face off against Del Rio and Kevin Owens. Nobody cared about this match, but the arguing from Owens and Del Rio was quite entertaining. You had Owens leave and then come back to get the win for his team. Another night and another steal for KO.
You also saw a great contest from Cesaro and Sami Zayn. For the second straight show, Cesaro takes the loss. This was a great match, not as great as NXT but what is? They had some time to go back and forth, with Zayn stealing the win. I like how they work together, as they have very similar strengths offensively and just enough selling. Will Cesaro be a wild card Sunday? With two losses, you would think he actually has MORE of a chance to win. They are keeping him under the radar, which is not a bad thing.
Lastly, we get ANOTHER Chris Jericho vs. Dean Ambrose match. Yes, ANOTHER match between these guys. The end came when Dean Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds and picks up the win. After the match, all of the guys get involved. The last man standing is Chris Jericho, who stands atop the ladder and grabs the briefcase.
Take your pick. Do all 6 men have a legit chance of winning? I think all but Alberto Del Rio have an opportunity to capture the briefcase and all men have a reason to deserve the opportunity. This might be the least predictable ladder match. At first, I had all of my eggs in the Kevin Owens basket. Now, I am not so sure. I do think tonight was good, even though it was very repetitive in terms of matches and the night ended on a rather average note.