impact wrestling

Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Depth Is Their Key To Success”

Miracle and Maria


Maria and Mike Bennett get some in-ring action on Impact and continue to make a statement upon their arrival. Like I mentioned earlier in the article, Bennett has a bright future here because he FITS what TNA is looking for. The youthful, yet veteran, presence in the ring is something not overlooked. Also, his ability to develop his own persona and have potentially the best woman on the mic right next to him. We all understand how good she has become since leaving WWE, but Maria offer Mike instant credibility (even though he might not even NEED it). At the end of tonight, one thing was for certain: TNA is going to protect this gimmick more than others. They are going to really focus on both developing together, not separately. Unlike WWE with Rusev and Lana, TNA knows the importance of each one to the other.

WZZ 6.5

Building Up Bobby Lashley

Lashley comes out and says that he is overlooked and he is sick of it. Josh Mathews talks about his relationship with Kurt Angle and Lashley says he has no friends in this business. He goes on to attack Mathews and fully turns heel.

Lashley was spot on tonight. Is speaking his best asset? Of course not, but it helps when he rarely talks so you want to listen when he does. I really do think that Lashley is one of their beat talents in the ring, but his direction goes off of the roads too much for my liking. Build him up like the destroyer and the real fighter we know him to be.

WZ 5@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7


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