Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Ladies Lockdown, Spud Shines”


A Villain is Born


The opportunity came for EC3 to reclaim the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. A cage match against Matt Hardy was EXCELLENT. The physicality and the continued personal connection between the two is so hard to explain unless you actually see them in action. Anyways, EC3 hits a TKO to Hardy.

Tyrus walks up the steel stairs in front of the door and then EC3 hits him with a clothesline. Tyrus hits Big Ending and then grabs the steel chain and tries to lock EC3 on his wrist. He ends up getting it reversed and he is chained. EC3 attacks Tyrus with the chair, but Matt Hardy hits aTwist of Fate to EC3 for a two count. Hardy climbs up the cage and gets dropped with a back suplex off the top rope. Hardy connects with a low blow to EC3, following up with a Twist of Fate as his head is wrapped in the steel chair. EC3 with the 1 Percenter to Hardy. EC3 goes to climb out of the cage, but Reby storms into the ring with a sledge hammer. Rockstar Spud comes down to the ring to stop Reby and ends up slaming the steel cage door to on Carter’s face. Matt Hardy escapes and then EC3 gets a chair to the head thanks to Spud.

Spud has had so much history with Ethan Carter that this only makes sense to me. The simple and the logical way to book this match was the right way. Matt Hardy needs to load up on his back-up as much as possible. With Tyrus, Reby and now Spud, this is a good combination of personalities to surround the champ. I feel for EC3 and that is what TNA is trying to execute. When he does win the championship back, it will feel like he overcame ALL odds. I still think Hardy reigns supreme for the foreseeable future because he is their best option by FAR.

This match was excellent. I really have enjoyed this feud and the continuation of it will be interesting. I want to see how TNA continues to create fresh and compelling turns and details between the two men. For Rockstar Spud, a new villain is born and was born at the right time. An excellent main event and a better creation of another heel to add to Hardy’s team.

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7


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