Big Show, Kane and Ryback defeated The Wyatt Family

Big Show kicks Rowan in the corner and then slaps him a few times in the chest. Ryback gets into the ring and then beats down Rowan. Ryback hits a splash into the corner and then Harper hits a dropkick. Braun hits some kicks and then throws Ryback into the corner. Ryback hits a suplex and Kane gets into the ring. He hits a DDT and a side slam. Kane throws Rowan back into the ring and gets a boot to the face. Kane hits an elbow to Braun and he falls to the outside. Ryback and Harper exchange blow and Ryback hits a high knee. He hits five body slams on Harper, but Rowan flies through the air. Kane hits a chokeslam, but Braun unloads. Big Show sends him to the outside. He throws Harper onto the other members and then spears
I really did not find anything positive in this match. Once again, it is a 6 man tag team match thrown together with a lack of direction and creativity. It was boring, predictable and lacked Bray Wyatt’s ability in the ring. I just want The Wyatt Family to be something important, not a recycled team with ZERO direction. What does a loss for The Wyatt Family accomplish? TERRIBLE.
Is this WWE’s way of giving up on The Wyatt Family? Is it a way of pushing Ryback again?
WWE Divas Championship
Charlotte and Brie lock up and Brie applies an arm bar. Brie hits an armdrag and then woos to the crowd. Charlotte uses her long legs and throws Brie to the outside. Brie rolls her up and gets a two count. Some technical moves and then Brie applies a headlock. Leg lock and more of a slower pace takes over. Charlotte misses a boot and Brie hits a running knee. Brie drills her with a few elbows and Charlotte kicks out at two. Brie hits a missile dropkick and then grabs at her leg, continuing to hit a few kicks to Charlotte’s chest. Brie locks in the Yes Lock, but the champion turns it around and makes her tap out to the Figure Eight.
This was not the best of matches from these two. I felt it lacked a flow to it, more choppy and mechanical than tactical and smooth. Charlotte and Brie seemed to be a little off and the build was much more interesting than the actual match. Surprising, especially considering that both women are actually pretty good wrestlers. Again, this was a pit stop for bigger and better things from Charlotte. I really checked out when the pacing slowed down and the moves were simply generic and basic. Nothing special tonight and a let down on my end.