Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Going In Neutral Is Going in Reverse”

Kalisto vs. Rusev

wwe raw

A non-title match for the United States Champion against the Bulgarian Brute. Early on, it was Kalisto trying to kick down the giant, but to no avail. Rusev hit a few kicks, a belly to belly suplex and then took control by sending him to the outside. Kalisto would have to battle back with multiple kicks, a hurricanranna on the outside and then a corkscrew off the middle rope. When it spilled to the outside for the second time, Kalisto beat the ten count and Rusev did not.

Alberto Del Rio gets his rematch at WWE Fastlane. I am cool with that rematch if they let Kalisto continue to get bigger and better. Del Rio simply does not do much with the title and it showed. Not many people cared, but this is a guy that fans are quickly getting behind. I think the match tonight does not make Kalisto any stronger, but it still makes Rusev look weak. This time last year, Rusev was getting prepped to face John Cena. Think of it in those terms.

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The Uso’s vs. The Social Outcasts

A typical tag team match for Jimmy and Jey. They battle back from a few moves with Superkicks and a splash. That was pretty much it for Rose and Axel tonight, as the Social Outcasts continue to be useless.

I think the gimmick can have potential, but losing over and over and over again does not make them interesting at all. Think if they pulled an upset tonight and picked up a win on Raw. People would begin to show a little bit of interest because it was a surprise. Jimmy and Jey are good, but they are stuck doing the same thing over and over again. So, why aren’t fans booing them on a consistent basis?

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