Photo Credit: Chris Featherstone of Sports Illustrated

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Bray and Brock is Best For Business”

Highlight Reel Highlights Potential Feud


Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman kick off the final Raw segment heading into the Royal Rumble. Heyman and Jericho, as predicted, exchange some excellent back and forth dialogue until Jericho gets serious and talks about what would happen if he eliminates Brock Lesnar. Out comes Lesnar, but is quickly interrupted by the champ. Reigns comes out and they begin to brawl. Roman Reigns hits a spear on Brock, but The League of Nations come out. They attack, but Brock Lesnar dispenses of them. He gets hit with another spear and the lights go out. The Wyatt Family appears and they take out Roman Reigns.

They set their sights on Brock Lesnar and all four men get heavy shots in and Bray ends it with a Sister Abigail. The Wyatt Family stand tall over Brock Lesnar to end the night.

Well, my prediction came true. On Chair Shot Reality, I said that they need to get someone over than the obvious to end the night. Someone like a Wyatt Family or Bray really making a statement to conclude the night. We have seen Reigns on top. We have seen Brock dominate. This was the right opportunity to add a wild card in there to have people think that someone else can ACTUALLY win.

I did think Chris Jericho did a fantastic job making himself get over and feel like a potential winner, even though we know he won’t. The night concluded with a successful ending, one that was not predictable and dull. 

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When you think about the night in general, it was very mundane. Maybe WWE is trying to save all of the good programming for Sunday. Let’s hope that was the case. I do think Raw ended the night with one of our big main events at WrestleMania 32 being featured. Oh, what could be with Bray and Paul/Brock?

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