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Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Roman + Vince = Best Raw of 2015”

Slap City, Slap Slap City

wwe rawStephanie McMahon comes out and address Roman Reigns’ attack on her husband. This prompts Roman to come out and they exchange a war of words. She calls him a disgrace and he says she, Triple H and her whole family is a disgrace. She slaps him, then again and again and again. She unloads about 5 or 6 slaps and says she is not going to fire him. She then reveals that someone is on their way and might. That person is Mr. McMahon. 

See, WWE Raw kicks off on a very hot note. Roman gets an incredible pop, well deserved, and they give us a reason to tune in. If anyone can peak an interest over the course of a long three hours, it is Mr. McMahon. No matter who or what happens, Mr. McMahon still peaks interest. Just ask the Philadelphia crowd. This segment was excellent. It felt personal and really got the crowd behind Roman Reigns. Two things that must continue.

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Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler

Arm bars and slow submission holds kicks off the match. Ambrose locks in a headlock and then applies a cross neckbreaker. Dean connects with a few elbow drops and continues to stretch out Dolph. Ziggler explodes with a clothesline and then a neckbreaker. Dean sends him to the outside and hits a Suicide Dive. He tries a flying elbow and then exchange multiple two counts. Both men stall and we head to a break.

Ziggler connects on a dropkick and gets a two count. Dolph hits a Fameasser for two again. Dean plants Dolph with a front X-Factor type move and gets his own two count. Back and forth we go, Missile dropkick from Ambrose and a running bulldog. Dolph applies a sleeper hold and breaks it, but misses a shoulder block. Dean gets hit with a superkick and then bounces off the ropes. Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring and the bell is rung. He unloads on Dean Ambrose. Two pop-up powerbombs and then he kicks Dolph in the knee. He powerbombs Ziggler onto Ambrose.

This was a great match and an even better ending. It was very simple and very effective. Kevin Owens came out and looked like he was going to kill someone. The intensity and the seriousness of a usual sarcastic Owens was a breath of fresh air. You knew the feud would continue, so this is such a great way to continue it. Throw the assault and fight from Owens to two fan favorites. The crowd enjoyed  it, even though there were more boos. Mission accomplished. 

WZ 7.5


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